Watch Movesense Meetup presentations with this Facebook Live video.
0-33min Terho Lahtinen, Jussi Kaasinen / Movesense team / Suunto: Movesense status update
33min Richard Tucker / Race Trace: Update of the Race Trace swimming analytics solution
46min Sampsa Vanhatalo / Children’s hospital / Helsinki University: Movesense for monitoring sleep and movement in infants
1h05min Jussi Virkkala / Movesense team / Suunto: Experimenting with Movesense Sensor in different sports
1h20min Pekka Koskela / Kuortane Olympic Training Center, Henry Jalonen, Solita: Technique analysis of javelin throwing
2h01min Klaus Förger / Förger Analytics: Visualization of Movesense data with automatically synchronized videos
2h21min Petri Lipponen / Movesense team / Suunto: Movesense PC simulator, Movesense 3rd party module framework