February 3rd, 2019

Join Movesense Meetup in Düsseldorf, Germany on Feb 14, 2019

Movesense Meetup is a networking event and a workshop for developers and business executives working on Movesense based projects. This time, we will be holding our event in the middle of Europe, in Düsseldorf, Germany, with our active development partner Kaasa Solution. We are meeting in the co-working space Super7000, Rather Straße 25, 40476 Düsseldorf.

The meeting agenda includes a general status update of the Movesense platform and community, interesting case presentations of on-going projects, and workshops for developers and business managers to get the best out of Movesense projects.

The event is a great opportunity to work on your project with Suunto Movesense team and Kaasa experts, to find business partners and to learn from other companies about their projects.



Movesense Meetup Agenda, Thursday 14.2.

09:30 Coffee & snacks
10:00 Opening & introduction of participants
10:20 Movesense overall status, Terho Lahtinen, Suunto / Movesense
10:40 Movesense case presentations by network members

Projects and cases

– Martin Ottow, Rowin’Sense: Synchronisation of rowing. Idea, trials and challenges, what have we encountered and what will we do.
– Stefan Jahnke, Kaasa solution: Movesense in the medical field. Building Movesense-based medical wearables, from an idea to practice.
Bonner Schwimm und Sportverein: A wheelchair training tool. Example of how to use Movesense as a mobile training tool for professional wheelchair athletes.
– Nico Kaartinen, Kaasa solution: Movesense as an entry to your digital business model. An example of how Movesense adds digital business models to a traditional business.


– Petri Lipponen, Suunto: Movesense PC simulator. Benefits of the simulator and a practical demo of taking the simulator in use.
– Alexander Kern, Kaasa solution: Visualization of multiple Movesense data sets in real time within kinematic analysis.
– Abdülhamit Yilmaz, Kaasa solution: Data logger 2.0. Recording of multiple raw data streams with new functionalities.

12:30 Lunch, networking
13:00 Workshops
– Getting started with Movesense programming / Petri Lipponen, Suunto
– Speed up your Movesense project / Abdülhamit Yilmaz, Kaasa solution
– Joint marketing opportunities to boost the market launch of your Movesense product / Terho Lahtinen, Suunto

14:30 Coffee. Workshops continue, Networking
16:30 Workshop recap
17:00 Closing and further talks 

The event is free of charge but a registration is needed. 80 participants will fit in. Priority is given to participants who are already working on their Movesense projects.

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Welcome to the fourth Movesense Meetup!

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