May 15th, 2019

Movesense Sensor Firmware 1.9 and New Movesense Device Service Published

We are excited to announce that the sensor firmware version 1.9.0 is now available for developers after an extensive testing period. At the same time, we are also publishing a new version of the MDS library, Movesense Device Service that takes care of the sensor communication on mobile side. Here’s what’s new:

Sensor Firmware 1.9

  • Internal code base harmonization and a new compiler that frees up memory for developer apps
  • 1-Wire standard speed support & 1-Wire thermometer sample app
  • Double tap parameters for LSM6DSx component
  • Movement wake-up sample
  • Logbook improvements (e.g. faster reading)
  • Fixes a number of bugs (timestamps, etc.)

Read the full change log on

As always, this version is better than any of its predecessors and we warmly recommend taking it into use immediately.

Movesense Device Service 1.34.1

The new MDS library for iOS and Android brings a lot of technical improvements and a number of bug fixes. A very welcome new feature is faster logbook GET that makes logbook reading up to three times faster than before. A detailed list of changes can be found here.

The Android showcase app has been updated to 1.9.5, offering the benefits of the new MDS. The apk file can be found in the “Downloads” section of Movesense Device Lib on Bitbucket. We are not updating the current iOS app as we are working on an all-new iOS app that will be available soon.

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