July 2nd, 2019

Evomo and Interactive Wear Win Movesense Innovation Contest for ISPO Open Innovation Community

In December 2018, Movesense team and ISPO, the largest sports trade fair in the world, invited the ISPO Open Innovation Community members to participate an innovation contest using Movesense sensors. More than 30 teams and over 60 developers joined the challenge and received Movesense developer kits at ISPO Munich in the beginning of February.

Teams worked on their projects during winter and spring and presented the results in June. Movesense team selected two winners, Evomo and Interactive Wear, that were awarded at the Outdoor by ISPO show in Munich on the first of July.

Etienne Petermann from Evomo presents the winner project. David Badalec from ISPO is watching.


Evomo is a Dresden, Germany, based startup that created a solution for tracking bodyweight exercise. Their system detects more than 20 different exercises such as squats, pushups and burpees with > 95% accuracy using one Movesense sensor only, and it can be easily extended to cover new movements. The solution classifies exercises, counts repetitions, and estimates exercise quality through movement amplitude, speed, rhythm and more.

Evomo has packaged the solution into an SDK that is ready for integration to mobile applications. If your business includes a mobile app that would benefit from strength training tracking, don’t hesitate to contact Evomo!

Jorge Jiménez, Interactive Wear, explains the principle of their winning solution.


Interactive Wear from Starnberg near Munich, Germany, is an expert of smart textiles and wearable electronics. Their solutions are used in more than 100 products in different fields such as sport, fashion, workwear and rehabilitation.

Interactive wear developed a human activity tracker for monitoring elderly people to give a timely information of their mobility level to caregivers. The system includes a training module that is used to train the system to recognize new activities using AI and machine learning, and a recognition phase that classifies the trained activities.

The current version recognizes common daily activities such as walking, standing, sitting, walking upstairs and walking downstairs. With the training module, adding new activities is quick and straightforward, and Interactive Wear sees a lot of new application areas for the solution in sports, rehabilitation, work ergonomics, and more. Interactive Wear is also offering the module as well as their expertise in smart textiles development to other companies. If your company needs a development partner for such products, contact Interactive Wear here.

Movesense team congratulates Evomo and Interactive Wear for the great work! As a prize, teams will receive 25 custom branded Movesense sensors each and a marketing communication package with Movesense, Sports Tracker and ISPO. Thank you to all participants and to ISPO Open Innovation platform that enabled the program!

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