December 5th, 2019

Movesense Meetup Summary

Movesense Meetup gathered the network to Helsinki on Dec 3 to learn about recent Movesense powered projects and to discuss the latest business and development topics. Among about 40 participants we had a few regular guests and a delighting amount of new community members. Their projects cover a wide range of applications from university research of new therapy methods for chronic pain patients to monitoring fitness boxing, and from studying sleep patterns of infants to optimizing the training of youth soccer teams.

The meetup started with a Movesense platform update by Jussi Kaasinen, General Manager, Emerging Businesses and the Movesense team lead at Suunto. His main conclusion was that Movesense is quickly becoming a leading sensor platform for innovating and developing all kinds of new sensor and IoT applications.
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Beyond Pulse demo session revealed why youth soccer coaches love the solution.


The first project presentation was an interactive demo of the Beyond Pulse soccer coaching tool. Aurélien Patoz from Volodalen and Matti Lehtinen from Symbio, two companies that are developing the solution for Beyond Pulse, went through the key benefits of the tool and showed how simple it is to use for both coaches and players.
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Dr. Marc Mathys from University of Marburg explained the physiological mechanisms of chronic pain and how it can be treated with specific stimulus. He is using the ECG feature of the Movesense sensor to detect the heart phases to optimize the timing of the stimulus impulses.
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Connecting external 1-wire compatible sensors to Movesense opens plenty of new use cases.


Kimmo Pernu from the Movesense team presented the upcoming external temperature sensor that the Movesense sensor can read and power through the connection studs on the back of the device. This can be used for instance for skin temperature measurement, body temperature mapping, and temperature sensing apparel. First projects are already going on in the workwear sector.
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Janne Kallio, Head of Partner Products at Suunto, introduced the Suunto partner program that includes several opportunities for companies in the Movesense network to generate new business with Suunto users. More about the opportunities on Suunto partner site.
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A medical version of Movesense sensor is in the pipeline.


Jussi Kaasinen reported also about MovesenseMD, a version of the Movesense sensor that will be registered as a medical device. Currently it seems that the certification process will be finalized in Q2, 2020. More about MovesenseMD here.

Terho Lahtinen from the Movesense team interviewed Pekka Koskela from Olympic Training Center Kuortane. Koskela is using Movesense sensors to model javelin and hammer throwing to create a fast feedback tool for athletes and coaches to improve their training. We have featured the project at an early stage on this post and will follow it up also in the future.

Lahtinen also informed the participants about Movesense Academic Program that is now open for applications.

The event continued with group sessions where Movesense team members helped participants with specific topics and participants actively networked with each other and found interesting cooperation possibilities.

Live streams of the Meetup presentations can be found on Movesense Facebook page.

The community meetup was followed by Movesense Developer Day on Dec 4th. We’ll summarize the Developer Day and share related presentations in another post.

Networking and learning from other participants is one of the main reasons to attend Movesense Meetup.

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