March 1st, 2022

Kaasa Data Collector LT Facilitates Reliable Long-term Data Collecting with Movesense

Kaasa Data Collector application in use to collect Movesense sensor data from a sleeping person

Kaasa solution GmbH is a German software company and a highly active member of the Movesense ecosystem. Kaasa is offering its expertise to Movesense customers who need software resources for their own projects, but the company also has its own products, many of which help developers and researchers to use Movesense sensors efficiently.

Kaasa is now releasing a new version of its Data Collector mobile application, Data Collector LT (Long Term). The new app makes reliable long-term data collection with the Movesense sensor as easy as possible.

The first variant of Kaasa Data Collector focuses on real time labeling of data with video (RGB and Lidar), audio and text over shorter periods of time. The new Data Collector LT is optimized for situations where continuous raw data needs to be collected for days or even weeks.

Collecting labeled raw data over a longer period of time is often difficult and requires a lot of work. Data Collector LT helps this with pre-processed data modules such as sensor orientation, that can be included in the data stream with the raw data.

A good example is an automatic detection of the posture of a person in bed, combined with the intensity of movements in and out of bed, that Kaasa originally developed for a research project with a customer and now offers as part of the solution.

These pre-processed datasets provide Data Collector LT users with added value and opportunities for a variety of data recordings.

Kaasa Data Collector LT features:

  • On-the-fly sensor swap. If the sensor battery is running out or there is another reason to change the sensor, you can do it while recording without loosing data.
  • Automatic firmware control. The application checks if the sensor has a correct firmware for this application.
  • Automatic firmware installation. The correct firmware for this specific application will be downloaded from the server and automatically installed on the sensor.
  • Full control of data for security: you decide if the data stays on the recording device or if you want it to be sent to a backend storage e.g. via MQTT or REST.
  • Integration of raw data pre-processing modules. To get more reference points for extreme long recordings, you can include existing or your own algorithms for pre-processing sensor raw data . Pre-processed data like bed body posture or movement intensity is added to the sensor data stream and recorded by the Data Collector LT.
  • Automatic re-connect. If a sensor is temporarily out of the coverage area of the recording device, Data Collector LT automatically re-connects when the sensor is within the range again.

Kaasa Data Collector is designed to make the process of collecting Movesense data for machine learning or neural network implementations more efficient. It’s a practical and innovative tools that allows you focus on the actual data recording event instead of dealing with technical issues or noticing data quality problems later after the recording has already taken place.

Kaasa contact information

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