April 26th, 2022

Timo Toivonen Starts as Movesense Sales Director

Posted in General

We are excited to announce that Timo Toivonen just started as Movesense Sales Director. Timo joins Movesense from HUR, the Finnish manufacturer of high-end exercise equipment for rehabilitation, wellness, and active aging. On his first working day, we asked Timo a few questions to introduce him to the Movesense community.

Tell about your background – your career and interests?

— Actually, all my previous positions are related to sports tech or medical devices. I went straight from the school to build Sports Tracker mobile application and later ended up working with smart strength training devices at HUR. My earlier roles have been in product management and sales.

What are your main personal interests?

— Technology. I’m quite tech-oriented and really curious about how technology can make things work easier. This is probably my contribution to making the world slightly better.

— All Movesense partners create products that save lives or support well-being. Together we are solving the big global socioeconomic crisis that the world is facing when the healthcare costs are sky-rocketing. We need easier, more cost-efficient ways to recognize different health conditions earlier and ensure that people stay healthier. What could be a better fit for me than working with Movesense?

How did you get in touch with Movesense?

— I have followed Movesense from the very beginning of the service and I have recommended it earlier to several other companies. I even ordered the first version of the developer kit when it first came available. The actual recruitment started from a casual discussion with Movesense CEO Jussi Kaasinen with whom I worked already at Sports Tracker.

What are your plans for the future with Movesense business?

— To help our current partners to build their business and find new partners.

What are your feelings and expectations related to your new role?

I’m really excited and looking forward to learn as much as possible about the product. I also want to understand as much as possible about all the opportunities that we have with Movesense and the solutions that our partners are creating with the sensor. It is not an easy task when we are talking about a product that is basically able to do everything.

How to contact you with Movesense related questions?

— My email is timo.toivonen@movesense.com and my phone number is +358408297018. I’m also more than happy to accept new contacts via my LinkedIn profile. You can also leave a contact request on movesense.com.

Movesense warmly welcomes Timo to the team!

Views: 223

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