April 5th, 2023

Tuulia Sotamaa Strengthens the Movesense Team

Posted in General

Movesense welcomes a new team member, Tuulia Sotamaa! She joins Movesense as a Business Development and Operations Director. Since Tuulia’s responsibility areas include many external connections, we’d like to introduce her to our network. We asked a few questions about how she ended up on the team, how she’s gotten up to speed, and what to expect from her going forward.

Tell a little bit about yourself and your career history?

– I am an easy-going and people driven personality. I have a beautiful family of two amazing sons and a superman hubby. From a career side, I am a results-oriented and customer-focused professional with over 10+ years of experience leading people, projects, and business development processes. In addition, I have worked with sales and led operations. I have done my career in different kinds of marketing agencies where I have had a privilege to work with numerous private and listed companies from different industries.

How did you come across with Movesense?

– I was looking for new challenges outside the marketing industry while my former colleague Emmi, the current Product Manager of Movesense, asked me for a lunch. I told her what I was looking for next and she listened to me patiently and said, “Okay, maybe you should discuss with our CEO. How about a lunch?”

What made you interested in joining the team?

– Turned out, that it really fulfilled all the things I was looking for next. In addition, I found out that the company was in an interesting phase and offered development opportunities that I believed I had something to contribute to. But maybe most importantly, I found the business interesting and an I saw an opportunity to learn a lot of new things.

How does it feel like after the first weeks in the team?

– It’s been great getting to know my new colleagues and hearing their stories. I was looking for an opportunity to learn new things and it feels that I’ve already learnt a lot – however, still loads to learn which I’m excited about. As an impatient and action-oriented person, I have had to constantly remind myself, that take the time for learning and creating the big picture before jumping deep in!

What are your main projects at work in the near future?

– I came here to develop the business and run operations. Therefore, my most important project in the near future is to understand the big picture, to deepen the customer understanding, to understand what the current state of the company is, what are our strengths and what should we develop in order to serve our customers better and grow our business. It requires dialogue with different stakeholders.

In which contexts should Movesense customers contact you or you will be in touch with them?

– I can always be contacted by our clients. Customers are in the heart of our business, so I bet any of us is happy to help. I hope that I will be able to contact our clients soon to get to know them and understand their business needs. Me and my colleagues are eager to develop our client operations even smoother to provide you only better solutions and service, so either way – let’s be in touch!

Tuulia Sotamaa and all other Movesense team members can be reached by email, address format firstname.lastname@movesense.com. You can also always send us email to info@movesense.com, from where we will channel your requests to the right experts in the team. If you are present on LinkedIn, you are welcome to connect with Tuulia and follow Movesense right away!

Views: 230

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