October 31st, 2023

Complete Coherence Collects 7 Days of HRV Data with Movesense Flash

Complete is a leadership development and coaching company that helps leaders, teams and organisations unlock new levels of capability and performance. The company’s integrated and sophisticated approach to leadership development is rooted in physiology and neuroscience.

Complete have shown that it’s possible to teach people how to control their physiology and emotional responses even under very difficult circumstances. The Movesense Flash sensor is central to this. We asked the company’s Head of Digital, Ralph Behnke, how the project is progressing and how Movesense Flash is used in it.

How are you using Movesense sensors as part of your offering?

One of our market leading assessments is the Complete Energy Audit which provides participants deep insight into their own biology and the effectiveness of their leadership. Our coaching program can then help a leader improve their biology by 25%, on average, which is the equivalent of restoring the energy and resilience they had 10 years ago.

The Movesense sensor is how we gather the data required for the Energy Audit.

Which need does the Movesense Flash sensor solve for you?

Movesense Flash provides us with the highest quality data capture and processing technology available globally. Quality is critical in this space as there are so many manufacturers who equipment doesn’t meet basic quality standards. Movesense Flash gives Complete the ability to continuously record HRV for up to 7 days, utilising the onboard memory to store the R-R interval data.

Using the sensor in conjunction with the mobile device means that users can update the specific firmware that’s required to run on the device, initiate a recording, stop a recording and upload to the cloud for processing. This enables Complete to significantly simplify the logistics and avoids us having to send clients expensive Holter. It also speeds up the processing of data.

What were the stages in the development project and how did the project go?

We have been developing a mobile application in conjunction with Kaasa solution GmbH to manage the Movesense device. The App is connected to a cloud endpoint where the data is collected for processing.

Complete HRV is now live on the Play Store for Android and on the App Store for iOS for use exclusively with a Movesense device. We are testing a variety of configurations of electrodes, and this is ongoing as new products come to market.

The goal is to deliver the highest quality product to market that matches the cardiological industry gold standard of Holter monitors, and enables us to add new cutting edge analysis of a range of data sets.

Once this first product is live, we will then significantly upgrade our offer with a range of new algorithms and datasets driving new insight into mental and emotional health as well as stress, recovery, resilience and performance.

When will your Movesense Flash based solution be available to customers?

The Complete HRV and Energy Audit is currently in extended Beta Test, and we aim to launch the product to the market in December.

Visit Complete website


Want to learn more? Sign up for the Movesense Online Meetup on December 7th to hear more about the Movesense Flash case study by Complete Coherence!


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