October 10th, 2023

Movesense Flash is an Ultralight ECG and Movement Data Recorder for Standalone Operation

Movesense sensor range expands with Movesense Flash, a new non-medical ECG, heart rate, and movement data recorder. Extremely compact, yet capable of multi-day standalone data recording, Movesense Flash enables the continuous collecting of human physiological and biomechanical data in a more comfortable and practical way than ever before.

Movesense Flash is ideal for companies and researchers who want to collect long periods of ECG or activity data as unnoticeably as possible to the user. It also enables the collection of large amounts of raw data for building AI-based analysis models. It is particularly suitable for well-being, research, and sports. Its autonomous data recording enables use even when wireless data transmission is not possible for technical or safety reasons, such as in military applications or underwater.

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Unobtrusive Data Collecting in Daily Life

Movesense Flash has a 128MB integrated flash memory, 300 bigger than other Movesense sensor models. It can store over 60 hours of continuous 1-lead ECG data or 7 days of movement data1 autonomously without any user interaction or connection to a phone.

The ultra-low weight and very compact size2 make Movesense Flash totally unnoticeable to wear in daily use. It is water and shock resistant for all everyday activities and environments, even swimming. With practical Movesense accessories, the sensor can be attached to the right location for accurate measuring.

— Movesense Flash is a solution for long-term heart and movement data collection in situations where it was not possible before. As an ECG recorder, it opens exciting new opportunities. Our customers will use it to bring many innovative applications to the market, says Movesense CEO, Jussi Kaasinen.

Built-In Data Security

The standalone data logging of Movesense Flash means higher data security. It removes the risk of data loss caused by disconnection or external wireless interference. Since the device saves measurement data in its internal memory, the user does not need to carry a phone or other receiving device to collect data.

Movesense Flash can collect ECG, heart rate intervals, and motion data with high precision in situations where a Bluetooth connection is not possible.  When complete radio silence is necessary, the Movesense Flash’s Bluetooth radio can be turned off during recording.

New opportunities for researchers

In many scientific studies, there is a need to collect human movement data, heart rate variability or ECG for long periods of time. In research, it is essential that the collection of data is as unobtrusive as possible for the research subject and practical and affordable for the researcher.

Movesense Flash meets these needs perfectly. Researchers can distribute the sensors to the subjects, who wear them continuously without affecting their normal daily life. After the recording period, the devices are collected, and the data is downloaded via Bluetooth for post-analysis. Movesense Flash is very cost-effective compared to alternative means of collecting similar data.

Movesense partner Kaasa Solution GmbH has developed a useful mobile application for managing the recording parameters and data download of multiple sensors. The app is especially convenient for data collection in research projects with many research subjects.

Fast lane to build your own business

Movesense Flash is a unique building block for developing new wearable sensor solutions. Its customizable firmware, open APIs, and extensive sample code enable the device performance optimization for each use case.

Movesense Flash is a great tool for bringing high-quality ECG or inertial raw data into existing or new applications, and its integration is easy with Movesense’s open tools and libraries.

If a research project or product concept made with a sensor has commercial potential, Movesense offers a direct path to turn the idea into a market-ready product.

Our scalable, Finland-based manufacturing can supply programmable sensors in any quantity from single units to commercial mass volumes. From certain minimum quantities, the product is available with your own logo. If needed, you can even order it programmed with your firmware.

Movesense Flash is available for immediate order.

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Join Movesense Online Meetup to Learn More

On Dec 7th, Movesense arranges an online event to present the Movesense Flash sensor in more detail. The program will feature Movesense experts and guest speakers from companies that already use the product.

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1 ECG sampling with 125Hz, 32-bit, Movesense sensor firmware 2.1.5. Movement recording with 3-axis acceleration, 26Hz, 16-bit sampling.

2 Weight 9.4g/0.33oz, diameter 36.6mm/1.44in

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