December 8th, 2023

Insights and Innovations in the Movesense Webinar – Link to the Recording

Movesense Webinar on Dec 7th gathered the Movesense community from more than 20 countries to listen to presentations about the latest Movesense products and interesting projects in the network.

The event started with the welcoming words by Movesense CEO Jussi Kaasinen. Movesense Head of Marketing Terho Lahtinen presented the two new Movesense products, Movesense Flash sensor for long-term standalone recording of ECG and movement data, and Movesense ECG Recorder, an intuitive mobile application for recording single-channel ECG with all Movesense sensor models.

Nico Kaartinen from the German Kaasa solution GmbH introduced their extensive toolkit for recording and annotating Movesense sensor data. Kaasa tools enable the recording of sensor data of more than 20 different parameters with a mobile phone, smart watch and, with Movesense Flash, in the sensor’s internal memory. The kit supports the use of many sensors simultaneously and provides useful annotation options during and after recording.

José Näf of the Swiss company Nahtlos AG presented Durastrip, a Movesense-compatible adhesive electrode for multi-day ECG measurements. Durastrip uses Nahtlos’ patented moisture management technology that keeps the contact between the skin and the electrode evenly moist. The electrical conductivity of the skin contact and the quality of the measurement data remain high during long measurements. Durastrip enables even a week of continuous ECG measurement with Movesense sensors.

UK-based Complete Coherence Ltd is developing a range of new solutions with Movesense sensors for managing the well-being and performance of leaders and organizations. Complete’s Ralph Behnke reviewed the company’s roadmap and the new features and services they can develop with the help of Movesense. Complete cooperates with Kaasa in software development and uses Nahtlos electrodes.

In his presentation, Behnke emphasized two benefits of the Movesense platform that are fundamental for Complete and enable the company to take a game-changing step with their products: An active network of expert partners that further accelerates development, and an open sensor platform and interfaces that make third-party black boxes a thing of the past. Complete can themselves define exactly how data is processed at any point in their solution.

In the final presentation, Movesense’s Lead Software Developer Petri Lipponen summarized the key features and improvements of the upcoming Movesense sensor firmware 2.2. The update is scheduled to be released on Monday Dec 11. A special highlight is the possibility for two simultaneous Bluetooth connections. This makes it possible, for example, to use the same sensor to simultaneously monitor heart rate with a sports watch and record ECG with the Movesense ECG Recorder application on a mobile phone.

In addition, the new firmware comes with many other new features, several new sample apps, and many bug fixes that improve the stability and data quality of the sensor.

If you missed the event or part of the presentations, you are welcome to watch the recording any time! Different speakers are marked on the video timeline with a white indicator. Note also the slide selector under the video window. (Opens in a new tab)

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