
Symbio is a global R&D partner combining technology excellence with deep understanding of your business. Symbio helps you turn the collected data from Movesense into valuable insight for your users.

As a long term technology partner of Amer Sports, Symbio develops applications and services utilizing Movesense technology for third parties. With an in-house Movesense task force, the company accelerates the creation of completely new innovations with Movesense from idea to application, and cloud solution to product life-cycle maintenance. This gives you as a customer the ability to quickly take Movesense technology into use, and to turn your existing sports gear smart and connected with cloud services and applications.

“Symbio was selected as the first development partner for the Movesense ecosystem, because of their global presence and strong competence to develop ideas to products. To us this partnership is an opportunity to quickly bring Movesense sensor technology to different industries.“ Heikki Norta, President, Amer Sports Connected Devices and Services.

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