
Learn how companies have used the Movesense platform to build great end user solutions that are changing the game. empowers people to live healthier, happier, and safer lives. Because more than 75% of chronic diseases can be prevented, focuses on proactive risk management to keep you, your employees, and your insurance holders healthy. collects 24/7 personal data with foot- and wrist-worn sensors and uses proprietary algorithms to turn the data into timely insights and personalized, actionable coaching to optimize your health.

The daily Alma Fit Score and the real time Fall Risk Score show you the direct impact of your lifestyle choices on your general health and falling risk, so you can act accordingly to prevent problems or to tackle them at an early, often reversible stage.

Prevention is the key to healthy ageing. brings you the tools for that.

Alert today, alive tomorrow. founder Kris Sienaert describes the background of the solution on this article.

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