
Learn how companies have used the Movesense platform to build great end user solutions that are changing the game.


Labfront is the ultimate research solution for real-world data capture, trusted by top academic institutions such as Stanford, Harvard, and MIT. With its code-free, user-friendly platform, researchers can streamline their data collection process and save valuable time and money that would otherwise be spent on app development.

The Labfront cloud platform and mobile app offer seamless compatibility and intuitive use with Movesense sensors. By integrating Labfront with Movesense devices, researchers can elevate their data collection to new heights. The platform helps manage adherence, improve data collection, and analyze data faster, all within one easy-to-use research platform. Researchers can also adjust data resolution using Movesense sensors, making it an even more powerful research tool.

Labfront is not only user-friendly, but it’s also remote-friendly, allowing researchers to conduct studies outside of the lab. The platform’s dashboard provides seamless participant management, while push notifications improve adherence.

Labfront ensures that all data collected is stored securely in one convenient location, adhering to HIPAA, GDPR, GCP, and other regulations. With Labfront, researchers can accelerate their research and collect data from their Movesense devices quickly and securely. It’s the comprehensive platform that researchers need to take their research to the next level.

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